About Eggin' Out

Hello its me your Host Keith Bilkerson I was recently arrested for attempting to reconnect with my girlfriend, and as community service I began to work for WPAI Public Access, the host the cooking show left after a great realtionship with station, just like Becca left me. I had to take the reigns of the show, and the only thing I could find in the company walk-in fridge was a strangely large amount of eggs, like the old host must have really liked eggs, the amount of eggs he had is almost disturbing. I have no idea how to cook, so its been a learning experince for me as well as my crew, which is comprised of Stephanie Parker, Marcus K. Conway, and Beverly Scabs-Crustman, as well as the station manager Floyd "The Sturm" Rivers. You can find out more about them on the Cast and Crew Page.

But don't think Eggin' Out is just about eggs, we will also have interviews, musical guests, and various entertaining segments to help you deal with the crippling depression that shes never coming back entertain and educate! Please keep an eye on the home page web page as well as the Show Archive page web page for updated information on new shows, clips, behind the scenes emotional breakdowns (just kidding), exciting news, and perhaps how to be featured on Eggin' Out on WPAI Public Access.